Tag Archives: open Source

Getting Started With Ruby on Rails

Int this and after this following post I would try to make you able to create your first project in Ruby on Rails. I will cover this topic from scratch. I hope you will find this useful.

So, here wo go.

To understand ROR we should first know what is Ruby?

Ruby is an open-source, multi-paradigm, interpreted programming language

Open Source

We called any product an open source when the code of that product is available for free. We can use it, modify it, and reuse it for their purposes and the improvement of that product. The benefit of open source is chiefly that you get a lot more minds working on a project than a proprietary project.


Ruby is a multi-paradigm language because it doesn’t constrain to a single programming mindset; you can use any of the aforementioned programming (OO, procedural etc…) paradigms with no problems in Ruby.


If you’ve used something like Assembly, Pascal, Fortran, or C/C++, you’ve used a compiled language. “Compiled” means that you’ve had to run your code through a little compiler and it spits out some sort of native code that will run without any sort of interpretation by the computer other than by the operating system itself. This can become time consuming as your project grows larger and larger, and sometimes can even be a severe hindrance to productivity. But on the other hand, Ruby is an interpreted language, which means that there is an interpreter that reads your code and then emits native code to the operating system.

Ruby on Rails is a framework that makes it easier to develop, deploy, and maintain web apps.

All Rails applications are implemented using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Java developers are used to frameworks such as Tapestry and Struts, which are based on MVC. Rails applications are written in Ruby, a modern, object-oriented scripting language. Rails take Ruby to the limit, extending it in novel ways which make a programmer’s life easier. This makes our programs shorter and more readable.

The design of Rails was driven by a couple of key concepts: DRY and convention over configuration. DRY stands for Don’t Repeat Yourself—every piece of knowledge in a system should be expressed in just one place, A place often suggested by the conventions of the MVC architecture—and then move on. Continue reading